November is the month of Thanksgiving here in the United States. It's the time when we acknowledge our blessings and give thanks to the Almighty.
On Facebook, people are posting on a daily basis what they are grateful/thankful for. I wanted to do this too, but not on Facebook as I don't post on my wall all the time. I thought this would be a good blog post, though.
And while I am doing this on the 9th day of the month, I have been keeping note of what I was grateful for since the first day. I thought having whined in the last two postings, which was so pathetic of me to do so, I thought that I had to focus on the blessings, big and small.
So here's my first batch of blessings:
November 1 = I am grateful for my family room. I love it's coziness and homey-ness. It has that lived in feel. I recognized this blessing the night of November 1 while I was watching Game 5 of the Giants vs Rangers World Series Game.
November 2 = I am grateful for the Giants victory. It not only meant a big deal to me personally but was a blessing for the whole region.
November 3 = I am thankful for having a medical insurance that allows me to visit a specialist without waiting.
November 4 = I was thankful for the opportunity to witness the Giants victory parade yesterday and despite arriving late I was able to take photographs.
November 5 = I am grateful for the gorgeous sunset I have witnessed from the parking lot as I was leaving work.
November 6 = I am grateful for my loving cats who have started to like each other.
November 7 = I am thankful for the free museum day at Oakland Museum of California. We had a lovely time.
November 8 = I am thankful for the surprise breakfast and lunch spread at work. I forgot that we were having free food all week. I had no money, no lunch. God provides.
Want to join me and share with the cyberworld what you are grateful for?