Wednesday, March 11, 2009


No this is not a weekly blog. But it starts to look like it. Anyhoo, my week had been well, good, ordinary, and nothing special. However, I can now breathe a sigh of relief after learning the reasons for my worries. It's always better to find what's on the other side of the closed door, good or bad, it's better to know than guessing what could be there. I'm glad I opened the door and found out what's behind it. It's not all good, but it's not bad either.

Now on American Idol talk. I was stoked last week when they made an exemption to the already established rule of having 12 singers move on to the final round. That meant my Anoop made it to the top 13.

On last night's show, I was amazed at how much I really enjoyed the performances as a whole. The first few singers were good, I thought. After all had sung, and believe me I was all focused on the show, which was something out of ordinary for me to do, three people made an impression to me:

  1. Danny Gokey---that guy can sing and I have thoroughly enjoyed his performance, including his jerky, awkward dance moves.
  2. Adam Lambert---0ne of my two favorites from the very beginning. He did a fabulous job I thought, but I was quite unsure when I found out that he was singing Black and White. He did good on that performance. I just hope there were enough people to vote for him, because I am surely not voting. I am merely a spectator. To quote my husband: "We don't want to invest more time and effort to AI than we already do."
  3. Anoop Desai----not a good impression, but an impression nevertheless. Okay here I go.....WTF is that guy thinking. I hope he's not channeling the ghost of Sanjaya by being a goof. Okay I read some write-ups about the show last night and people say that while his song choice was bad, his performance and his singing wasn't all that bad. I really really hope he sails to the next round so I can see that all my faith in him is based on solid grounds. And that he can sing at least one good song that feels like tailor-made for him.

The rest did not really register that much to me. I know that Lil Rounds is good, but quite boring. The girls are kinda boring to me this year. Okay, here's crossing my fingers for Anoop. My husband wants him to stay long enough so that he can sing the Oscar-award winning Jai Ho from Slumdog Millionaire :)

Well that's all for now.

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