Nothing really exciting happened in May. After an April that is full of traveling, May gave me back the sense of routine that I may not have craved, but my body had needed.
In May, we plunged back to normalcy, to the demands and stresses of work and church, to the joy of hanging out with friends over amazing bbq or rooting for the home team – that is the Golden State Warriors, who at the time of writing needs only 2 more wins to be the Champions of the NBA.
Our 10th wedding anniversary was May 25. Sometime last year I had envisioned that we would have a church wedding to commemorate the 10th year, but somehow lack of interest on my part due to incredible work necessary to get that done, not to mention the amount of money needed to put that in motion, the dream fizzled. Furthermore, the hubs has always wanted to do a church wedding when his family members can be in attendance. Having both parents pass away, we want the wedding to happen when his only sister could be present.
Having taken an early anniversary trip to Morocco in April, we settled for a no fanfare day in the city spending most of the day at the California Academy of Sciences. It was a very fruitful and enjoyable day. In addition, we made brief stops at Stow Lake and a little walk around the Rhododendron Dell nearby.
To top it all off, we had a wonderful anniversary dinner at Tadich Grill, which if I may say, ticked one item off my foodie bucket list.
Since we are back to normal this May, we have decided it is the right time to start having our backyard fixed. We found the same guy who replaced our back fence willing to do the job so it’s a work in progress right now. I will definitely share a photo of it here.
The backyard job is quite long in coming. We have been living in this house since 2009 and I thought that replacing the carpet upstairs would come first, but I’m glad that the backyard is getting worked on right now.
No travels in the near future, although there is a camping trip in sight at the end of June. Also we might do a little traveling by the end of August, depending on the schedule of our travel buddies.
So far that is what’s been going on around my real world. Hope your summer is memorable.